The first asset of the Free Zone is the natural site that dwells it. The Free Zone, just like the city of Nouadhibou which it encompasses, is located on the peninsula of White Cape opened to the Greyhound Bay on the Atlantic. From the sea to the desert dunes through the humid grounds of the national park Banc d’Arguin, the site is a virgin atmosphere with almost no pollution. An environment visibly characterized by the diversity of its landscapes and mild climate throughout the year, an outstanding destination in Mauritania. The Free Zone’s proximity to Europe, the American horizon and its place at the crossroads of major shipping routes, make it in fact an active interface between Africa and the Mediterranean.
As the economic capital of Mauritania, Nouadhibou and its surroundings have long been exclusively oriented towards the sea and fish resources. it continues to do so, but today the export of minerals to the world, the hassle over the landing of sea products, while new areas have emerged, growth has become a inseparable part from the local economy.
The Government strong commitment to Nouadhibou as a major economic hub, with an international dimension and its implementation through the construction of an attractive legal, administrative and technical framework favorable to free enterprises, strengthens the dynamic development of the region. The law establishing the Free Zone has set up an excellent package of fiscal, monetary and customs facilities and created a One-Stop Access Desk in order to centralize all formalities for the creation, registration and authorization.